Saturday, November 3, 2012

I am so EXCITED!

First and foremost, holiday is almost here! I work in retail and when the store starts to get busy, and people are always smiling, I get a little excited, ok? I love my job, and holiday time is what I live for. Yes, there are long hours. Yes, I may come home INSANELY crabby. But I love my job!

Second, today I got my VoxBox in the mail!!! For all of you that don't really know what a VoxBox is, I will now tell you :)

***What a VoxBox is, for all of the people who I was exactly like about three months ago:
 A VoxBox, my friends, is this awesome little box that is sent straight to your door with free products in it! You read that right; FREE! It took me a little while to qualify for the box, but it will so be worth it! All I did was go to and make an account. Then, all you do is take surveys, upload videos about products and link your social media accounts to your page to earn badges. The website then compiles your data and picks out probably thousands of people to test these products. Companies ask Influenster to do this. So its not like Influenster is forking out tons of money for this, they are merely the middle man that is getting the product out, and we, as the testers, are selling the products for them by blogging and vlogging our thoughts on the products. 

The VoxBox that I was recently chosen for is the Crest 3D WhiteStrips box with Advanced Seal No Slip Technology. It has Whitening Power 4 which is the second highest level! I can NOT wait to try these babies! It says that I may see noticeable results within as little as 3 days! THREE DAYS! For those of you who know me or have seen pictures of me, I have very white teeth already, so this will be a pretty awesome test. I will take a picture prior to starting the 30 day kit, one on day 15, and then one on day 30. Hopefully we will all see the results! 
I can't wait to let you all know how this goes! 

Here's day one, before putting any strips on my pearly whites! Rough, I know, but it was after a long day at work :)

And that's all I have to say today.... <3 

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